Hi there,
I was performing all steps as described in Theming ownCloud :: ownCloud Documentation
I’m stucking at 2. Enable the theme in the ownCloud Admin dashboard., because I can’t find it in Admin dashboard.
The Theme-App is listed in Apps, but nothing more.
What to do?
Hey guys, thx for your fast reply.
My theme-app is already enabled.
For example the background.jpg for the login-page is not displayed.
How does owncloud know to use this theme?
@cortho I used the example theme (only changed the name). So there should be a new background image. The folder, subfolders and files are owned by the webserver user.
But again the question, how does owncloud know to use the styles.css from my app?
By enabling the theme (which is a special app) ownCloud knows, when loading the apps, that there is a theme present. There can only be exactly one theme enabled.
When you have got the file core/css/styles.css in your theme this will be loaded after owncloud’s style.css, so there you can override css properties.
Common pitfalls with themes:
Clear the browser cache else outdated contents might be shown
If you have configured a local memcache in config.php make sure it is working. If not sure, comment out the line with 'memcache.local' for testing purposes
My browser cache is cleared, this is the first thing I do, after changing something in css.
Local memcache is now disabled, but still nothing to see from the theme.
Once again, my theme is listed as an app and enabled.
The folder of the app is located in apps-external as a subfolder of the ownload root directory.
All folders, subfolders and files are owned by the webserver user.
The info.xml from the app has declared at types <theme/>.
Yes I’ve checked owncloud.log. There I have some errors
“Trusted domain error” and
“Could not resolve OCA\\Activity\\BackgroundJob\\EmailNotification! Class OCA”
“Could not resolve OCA\\Activity\\BackgroundJob\\ExpireActivities! Class OCA”
Nothing with the appid of my theme.
Yes, the foldername and app-id is the exactly same.
But this is crazy, I’ve renamed the folder and id as sugested and now the theme works. By rename it back, the theme is not working again.
I don’t know why, but with the new name it works. Thank you!