Can't get past the [Enter User Credenitials]

Expected behaviour

After typing the user name and password into the app [Connect to OwnCloud] it should allow the next page.

Actual behaviour

But we get an error of [Connection Closed]

Steps to reproduce

Server configuration

Operating system: Win 10

Web server:


PHP version:

ownCloud version: ownCloud-

Storage backend (external storage):

Client configuration

Client version:

Operating system:

OS language:

Qt version used by client package (Linux only, see also Settings dialog):

Client package (From ownCloud or distro) (Linux only):

Installation path of client:


Please use Gist ( or a similar code paster for longer

Template for output < 10 lines

  1. Client logfile: Output of owncloud --logwindow or owncloud --logfile log.txt
    (On Windows using cmd.exe, you might need to first cd into the ownCloud directory)
    (See also )

  2. Web server error log:

  3. Server logfile: ownCloud log (data/owncloud.log):


Could you press f12 while have your client open to get to the logs?

If you see the logs, you can look for the error and post it here.

This is the code I am getting. Log-in screen comes up, we put in credentials and then it disappears or gives us a failed message.

Error core File with id "31943" has not been found. 2017-11-01T15:56:57+00:00
Error core File with id "31943" has not been found. 2017-11-01T15:56:56+00:00
Error core File with id "31943" has not been found. 2017-11-01T15:56:27+00:00