Change topbar name

It's possible change in topbar "ownCloud" text?

Yes. Please read the documentation
Developer manual, theming.

Can you show me wher is this information in manual? I don;t see
you can also look example theme app:

I change name and nothing. Other function its working but not this

Which function is working? please give some details. Did you enable example theme app?

getName, getSlogan and getTitle its working.
I must change in topbar logo and name, change logo it's working but I don't now where change name ownCloud in topbar.
Please help

The changelog of the upcoming 10.0.4 mentioning something about theming, maybe worth a try...

OK, it's possible change a white background? If yes, please show me where

I think you should read the documentation about theming as some one else pointed out above.

sorry but I don't see this option in doc. Can you show this?

Hello, where is the changelog for upcoming 10.0.4 ? I am very interested to read features and bug fixes.

it isn't yet published. You can see the preview here though:

Can you solved it? i have the same issue, please help me i canĀ“t found more information on internet.