I need to migrate all our users from Domain A to Domain B - the usernames and the passwords stay the same. The problem is, that the unique identifier is the objectGUID - Which is not migratable
To fix this, I’ve changed the UUID-identifier to “samaccountname” (f.surename) - But old records are not updated.
So I wrote a script to change the OC UUID to “f.surename” and update all records directly in MySQL (6 tables in total).
Everything is working fine and my testusers can (re-l)login in to the browser without any problems and see all their own, as well as shared folders. However, I can’t get the Owncloud Client to work. The only solution that works is to completely remove the user’s account in the OC Client and to set up the space from scratch. If I don’t do that, I get the error “This space is currently unavailable” while being connected successfully to our cloud.
I guess (since I’ve looked up the OC Client Config file), that the UUID is hardcoded and does not seem to get updated.
Is there a way on the server to tell the client “UUID changed! Please update” - or is my whole approach for the migration wrong and there is a better way?