Chinese Char in DB

Somewhere along the road thru various updates and migrations, it seems there is corruption in my oc_filecache.

Files that had Chinese characters, now are replaced with question marks.
The solution off course, is to truncate oc_filecache and do a full file scan, but then i lose all the sharings on the server. And it’s used A LOT.

If i do a normal scan, it doesn’t add the correct version of the file. Probably the path_hash is correct and it assumes the file is there correctly.
Is there a way to make it do a file scan but have it update path and filename ?

SELECT * FROM oc_filecache WHERE oc_filecache.path_hash <> MD5(oc_filecache.path)
gives over 6000 entries out of the 100.000 more files

The best solution i found, was to delete all entries that had wrong path_hash for it’s path

DELETE FROM oc_filecache WHERE oc_filecache.path_hash <> MD5(oc_filecache.path)

Then re-ran a file:scan
I first checked with a inner join table with oc_shares to make sure none were directly implied with a share, and luckily it wasn’t the case.

Now is all well.

hi, could you test in the web server create a chinese character folder or file which shared with someone?
I use the owncloud10.4.1(fresh install), which said :Files that had Chinese characters, now are replaced with question marks. and could you have some solution about it ?