I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself and talk about our community engagement, including the community program we launched a few weeks ago. (You can watch the video from the ownCloud Conference regarding community and ownCloud here and also find the slides here)
My name is Katrin, I am the community manager at ownCloud. One of my goals is to enable community engagement and foster relationships in the community. At ownCloud we want to work closely with community, receive valuable feedback, and exchange with the tech community – especially with regards to ownCloud Infinite Scale currently at technical preview stage. And this was also one of the reasons why we launched the community program at the end of September. By the way: with regards to ownCloud Infinite Scale, we also have an Early Adopter Program where lots of technical discussions with selected partners are taking place on a regular basis. If you have already installed the preview and are interested in this program, please send an email to community@owncloud to see if it may make sense for you to join the Early Adopter Program.
The other reason why we launched the program, was to officially thank contributors for their past contributions (all contributors, admins, devs, translators, etc.) in the community, we wanted to give something back and express our appreciation. If you are interested in having more dedicated exchange with ownCloud and receive some benefits, have a look at the community website – and let me know, in case you have any questions.
We also plan on hosting online community meetings or events in the future – so in case you have any topics or ideas we should put on the agenda for these, do let us know here in the forum or send an email to community@owncloud.com!
And last but not least, for those of you who may be interested in translating ownCloud into other languages, we recently published a blog post about transifex, where you can find out more on how to get engaged in the transifex community.
We will be posting more community related ownCloud news here in central.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at: community@owncloud.com.
Community rocks!