Configuring Collabora

Steps to reproduce

  1. I’ve installed collabora online from apps on my owncloud installation
  2. Restart owncloud to load new app
  3. I can see “office” tab

Expected behaviour

no error message

Actual behaviour

Collabora Online: Cannot connect to the host “https://servername:9980”.

Please ask your administrator to check the Collabora Online server setting. The exact error message was: cURL error 7: Failed to connect to servername port 9980: Connection refused

when trying to open an odt document, no page found error

Server configuration

Operating system:
ubuntu 16.06

Web server:
PHP version:
ownCloud version: (see ownCloud admin page)

Client configuration

edge, explorer and firefox

Operating system:
windows 10

ownCloud log (data/owncloud.log)

{"reqId":"ZjOyfZ7lc5AN4rJvefff","level":3,"time":"2018-03-19T13:05:26+00:00","remoteAddr":"clientIP","user":"username","app":"PHP","method":"GET","url":"\/index.php\/apps\/richdocuments\/index?fileId=1858&dir=%2F","message":"Undefined variable: instanceId at \/var\/www\/owncloud\/apps\/richdocuments\/lib\/helper.php#43"}
{"reqId":"ZjOyfZ7lc5AN4rJvefff","level":3,"time":"2018-03-19T13:05:26+00:00","remoteAddr":"clientIP","user":"username","app":"PHP","method":"GET","url":"\/index.php\/apps\/richdocuments\/index?fileId=1858&dir=%2F","message":"Undefined index: documents at \/var\/www\/owncloud\/apps\/richdocuments\/controller\/documentcontroller.php#346"}
{"reqId":"ZjOyfZ7lc5AN4rJvefff","level":3,"time":"2018-03-19T13:05:26+00:00","remoteAddr":"clientIP","user":"username","app":"PHP","method":"GET","url":"\/index.php\/apps\/richdocuments\/index?fileId=1858&dir=%2F","message":"Undefined index: documents at \/var\/www\/owncloud\/apps\/richdocuments\/controller\/documentcontroller.php#356"}

The collabora app is just the connector to the collabora server. This is missing in your installation.

Thanks for the ‘tip’ :sweat_smile:

Well, its just the facts :slight_smile:

If you want to use collabora or only office for editing documents, I recommend downloading the ownCloud appliance - there you will have everything you need.

Thanks, but we have a running installations integrate with our AD and full of data, maybe better not start from scratch. Thanks anyway :wink:

Do you have a collabora server in your environment?

No, i’m going to install it on my test environment, on the owncloud-test server… if possible.

Hi Soda…
I know it’s been two years now but I’m facing the same problem now…did u come to any solution?
Thnx in advance :smiley:

You’ll need to install (on a separate instance/VM) the collabora service and configure it accordingly.
If your ownCloud is using HTTPS (which I hope it is) you MUST use HTTPS for collabora as well.
The Collabora server will also need to be published, as there will be the following bi-directional connections:

  1. Client browser <-> ownCloud
  2. Client browser <-> Collabora
  3. ownCloud <-> Collabora

Thank u eneubauer very much for ur response…it was really helpful
the problem is that I installed ownCloud in a shared host from their softaculous repo…I don’t have either VPS nor dedicated server…so I’m trying to find out now how to work around - if possible-


i think you need to install the Collabora server as well and need to point ownCloud to it like described in the Collabora documentation. But i don’t think t hat you can install such a Collabora server on a shared hosting. If unsure maybe your hosting support can check if such an installation is possible at all?

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