Contacts 1.5.0 is about to arrive!

It’s about time to push a new version of contacts to the crowd!

Please help testing!

You can get the current test tar from here

Thanks a lot!


there are two more pull requests to test:

Let me know if thins work out - THX

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@DeepDiver1975 What I see is an empty screen with the patches over master branch

@SergioBertolinSG has removed also the latest PR and we get same status

Keep tracking issue here Contacts 1.5.0 shows a blank page. · Issue #537 · owncloud/contacts · GitHub

Fixed, misconfiguring parameter on server.

New copy button works on iPhone device @DeepDiver1975
:slight_smile: :thumbsup:

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Just another fix - important in terms of interop with other clients

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I’m on fire …

Please help testing! THX