Create new user email is invalid

I am attempting to create a new user on our server and it has worked very well until now. But now it says “email is invalid” everytime I attempt to create the new user.

Steps to reproduce

  1. go to user manangement
  2. Enter the new user name + password + email
  3. Click create user
    4.) Server reports → The email is invalid.

System Status
installed 1
versionstring 10.0.7
edition Community
productname ownCloud
php version: 7.0

Any way/idea of solving this issue?

Kind regards

Hmm weird…

I kind of solved this myself. I had the server running on PHP version 7.0, but i downgraded to PHP version 5.6 and suddenly it works well again.

Could anyone explain this to me?

According to the current system requirements:

PHP Runtime PHP (5.6+, 7.0, & 7.1) For the future release of ownCloud 10.1, a minimum php version of 7.1 is needed.
It should work running the most current version of PHP. But obviously it doesn’t?


Maybe ownCloud is using an PHP internal function to validate an e-mail address and the function in PHP 7.0 has stricter rules then PHP 5.6? Or there are some bugs in PHP itself causing the differences between 7.0 and 5.6?