Desktop sync client 5.1.2 released

I’m happy to announce that the new 5.1.2 desktop client is now available at Release v5.1.2 · owncloud/client · GitHub

Changelog for ownCloud Desktop Client 5.1.2 (2023-11-10)

The following sections list the changes in ownCloud Desktop Client 5.1.2 relevant to ownCloud admins and users.

Bugfix - Fix crash when keychain job takes longer than expected: #11361


Bugfix - Fix crash when keychain job takes longer than expected: #11361

In 5.1.1, we introduced a timeout for keychain jobs that killed them when their execution time exceeded 5 seconds and log this to allow debugging of problems related to secrets handling.

Apparently, there are valid cases in which these jobs can take longer than the expected timeout, e.g., when the user needs to unlock their keychain first or configure it otherwise.

We now let the jobs run indefinitely and log every 5 seconds whether the job is still running.


Changelog for ownCloud Desktop Client 5.1.1 (2023-11-09)

The following sections list the changes in ownCloud Desktop Client 5.1.1 relevant to ownCloud admins and users.

Bugfix - Prevent permanent deletion of files when disabling VFS: #11331


Bugfix - Prevent permanent deletion of files when disabling VFS: #11331

When a user disabled the virtual files feature on Windows, all currently dehydrated files were deleted accidentally. On the server those files where still available in the trash bin. This regression was introduced in the previous release 5.0.0.


Changelog for ownCloud Desktop Client 5.1.0 (2023-11-02)

The following sections list the changes in ownCloud Desktop Client 5.1.0 relevant to ownCloud admins and users.

Bugfix - Crash when accepting a notification: #11226
Bugfix - Fix crash on start-up when starting shell integration: #11280
Bugfix - Properly schedule the sync after an account was added: #11308
Bugfix - Don't start credentials save jobs during shutdown: #11313


Bugfix - Crash when accepting a notification: #11226

We fixed a potential crash when clicking on a notification.


Bugfix - Fix crash on start-up when starting shell integration: #11280

A possible crash has been fixed that could occur during start-up, when the shell integration started doing requests before the client itself completed starting up.

#11280 #11288

Bugfix - Properly schedule the sync after an account was added: #11308

We fixed a bug where a folder was scheduled to be synced before the account reported it was ready. This resulted in the sync having no effect and the folder was then only synced once we polled the etag.


Bugfix - Don't start credentials save jobs during shutdown: #11313

Due to a bug we "re saved" the credentials during application shutdown. As the application was quitting while the jobs where running we might have encountered corruped credentials or crashes.


Have fun!



i’m not sure but i’m currently confused how to get this version for Linux “correctly”:

  • If i’m browsing to The Desktop App for efficient syncing - ownCloud i can see that version 5.0.0 is listed as the latest stable version in the text parts
  • When following the “Linux install guide” link i’m getting redirected to this page which actually lists 5.1.2.

The problem here is that the repository on that page includes ownCloud/testing/ which worries me a little because:

  • If i’m adding that repository to my system is if stuck at afterwards?
  • Do i get the final version / release or is this an outdated repository (testing is included in the repository name?)
  • I’m still using the following which seems to provide version 5.1.2 version of the Desktop client:
    deb /

and i’m wondering which repository i should actually use?

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the download links on github are also broken.

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All fixed. Thanks you!