Detailed description on fulltext search

Hi there,

I started using the full text search on my OC installation.
This is really a cool feature!

But I think I did not fully understand yet, how to handle it.
It took me some time until I found out how to create a search index.
At first I thought that it might be created automatically, but that seemed not to be the case (but maybe I did not wait long enough?)
The index was only built when issuing the command “occ search:index:rebuild”. This took quite some time, but then the index was available and working.
After indexing, I added some additional documents which should also be indexed.
Those new documents were not included in the index, though. (Again, maybe I did not wait long enough, but how long should I wait? There’s no information on that time…)
I then tried to update the index so that the newly added files be also included.
When issuing the command “occ search:index:udate” (which seemed to me the correct command for updating the index), the following message was shown: “No pending jobs found.”
I finally deleted the whole index (“occ search:index:reset”) and rebuilt it (“occ search:index:rebuild”).
But again, that took a long time.
What’s the correct procedure here?
Will everything work automatically? If so, how long does it take? How often is the index updated?
Is there manual work needed? If so, what exactly has to be done? I did not find a manual out there - sorry if I just didn’t find it…

Can anyone help here?


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i have seen / found the following documentation on the marketplace page of the full text search app:

It looks to me that this page explains e.g. how to create an index and is also giving some info on possible issues and current limitations of the app.

If there is anything missing in the documentation maybe you can create an issue I think some one from ownCloud is better able to provide additional information and other users would also benefit if these info are added directly to the documentation.

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I know that one, but it only says “The commands let administrators create , rebuild , reset , and update the search index”.
But does the administrator have to use these commands or can they use it additionally if they want to re-create the index separately from the standard?
And why does “update” show “No pending jobs found.”
I assumed when issuing “update”, I create a new job and the error messge suggests that I’d like to check for already running or pending jobs.


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ah you have written that you haven’t found any documentation on the full text search. But now i think you have found it but it is insufficient?

If this is the case then i think it should be recommended to follow the previous given advice:

I think if the documentation linked above isn’t that clear then the documentation should be updated accordingly.

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I had the same problem as you.
After several attempts, I found that restarting a create updated the index.
So I programmed a crontab as follows:

0,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * cd /var/www/html/owncloud/ && sudo -u www-data php occ search:index:create --all #Indexation Elastic Search OwnCloud

I hope I’ve helped you.