Please help us by providing the following info. Before posting please make sure that you're running the latest available version for your oC release: +
Steps to reproduce
1. Turn on Windows 7 machine.
2. Start OwnCloud desktop client.
3. Wait to sync.
Expected behaviour
Files should sync.
Actual behaviour
After some time (I have thousand of files to check and sync), I get this messages:
12-10 15:35:06:183 0x5c70070 OCC::ownCloudGui::slotSyncStateChange: Sync state changed for folder "" : "Success"
12-10 15:35:06:190 0x5c70070 OCC::FolderWatcher::pathIsIgnored: * Ignoring file "C:/Users/rmurmis/Desktop/.csync_journal.db-wal"
12-10 15:35:06:193 0x5c70070 OCC::FolderWatcher::pathIsIgnored: * Ignoring file "C:/Users/rmurmis/Desktop/.owncloudsync.log"
12-10 15:35:06:385 0x5c70070 OCC::FolderMan::slotFolderSyncFinished: <===================================== sync finished for ""
12-10 15:35:22:947 0xab41e88 unknown: ERRORING CURRENT QHttpNetworkReply(0x95b6f90) QUrl( "" )
12-10 15:35:22:952 0x5c70070 OCC::AbstractNetworkJob::slotFinished: void OCC::AbstractNetworkJob::slotFinished() 2 "Conexi�n cerrada" QVariant(Invalid)
12-10 15:35:22:954 0x5c70070 OCC::PropfindJob::finished: PROPFIND request not successful, http result code is 0 ""
12-10 15:35:25:693 0x5c70070 OCC::Account::resetNetworkAccessManager: Resetting QNAM
12-10 15:35:25:697 0x5c70070 OCC::ConnectionValidator::checkServerAndAuth: Checking server and authentication
12-10 15:35:25:702 0x5c70070 OCC::AbstractNetworkJob::start: !!! OCC::CheckServerJob created for "" + "status.php" "OCC::ConnectionValidator"
12-10 15:35:52:703 0x5c70070 OCC::CheckServerJob::slotTimeout: TIMEOUT virtual void OCC::CheckServerJob::slotTimeout()
12-10 15:35:52:705 0x5c70070 OCC::AccountSettings::showConnectionLabel: "Sin conexi�n a ownCloud en
tiempo de espera"
12-10 15:35:52:711 0x5c70070 OCC::FolderMan::slotAccountStateChanged: Account "" disconnected or paused, terminating or descheduling sync folders
12-10 15:35:57:714 0x5c70070 OCC::Account::resetNetworkAccessManager: Resetting QNAM
12-10 15:35:57:718 0x5c70070 OCC::ConnectionValidator::checkServerAndAuth: Checking server and authentication
12-10 15:35:57:735 0x5c70070 OCC::AbstractNetworkJob::start: !!! OCC::CheckServerJob created for "" + "status.php" "OCC::ConnectionValidator"
12-10 15:36:24:738 0x5c70070 OCC::CheckServerJob::slotTimeout: TIMEOUT virtual void OCC::CheckServerJob::slotTimeout()
12-10 15:36:24:740 0x5c70070 OCC::AccountSettings::showConnectionLabel: "Sin conexi�n a ownCloud en
tiempo de espera"
Client configuration
Client version: 2.2.4
Client operating system: Windows 7
Server configuration
Operating system: Arch GNU/Linux
Web server:
Server version: Apache/2.4.23 (Unix)
Server built: Jul 5 2016 07:34:37
MariaDB: Server version: 10.1.17-MariaDB MariaDB Server
PHP version:
7.0.11 -->
[root@WSPR02 conf]# php -version
PHP 7.0.11 (cli) (built: Sep 16 2016 18:52:44) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) 1997-2016 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.0.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2016 Zend Technologies
with Zend OPcache v7.0.11, Copyright (c) 1999-2016, by Zend Technologies
ownCloud version (see ownCloud admin page):
Updated from an older ownCloud or fresh install: Fresh Install
Special configurations (external storage, external authentication, reverse proxy, server-side-encryption): No special configuration, using NAS to store data directory.
ownCloud log (data/owncloud.log)
Please paste possible errors in the following code block, see for more info
12-10 15:35:06:161 0x5c70070 OCC::Folder::slotSyncFinished: - client version 2.2.4 (build 6408) Qt 5.4.0 SSL OpenSSL 1.0.2h 3 May 2016
12-10 15:35:06:163 0x5c70070 OCC::Folder::slotSyncFinished: -> SyncEngine finished without problem.
12-10 15:35:06:169 0x5c70070 OCC::Folder::bubbleUpSyncResult: Processing result list and logging took 2 Milliseconds.
12-10 15:35:06:171 0x5c70070 OCC::Folder::bubbleUpSyncResult: OO folder slotSyncFinished: result: 4
12-10 15:35:06:173 0x5c70070 OCC::SocketApi::sendMessage: SocketApi: Sending message: "STATUS:OK:C:\Users\rmurmis\Desktop"
12-10 15:35:06:174 0x5c70070 OCC::SocketApi::sendMessage: SocketApi: Sending message: "STATUS:OK:C:\Users\rmurmis\Desktop"
12-10 15:35:06:176 0x5c70070 OCC::SocketApi::sendMessage: SocketApi: Sending message: "UPDATE_VIEW:C:\Users\rmurmis\Desktop"
12-10 15:35:06:178 0x5c70070 OCC::SocketApi::sendMessage: SocketApi: Sending message: "UPDATE_VIEW:C:\Users\rmurmis\Desktop"
12-10 15:35:06:183 0x5c70070 OCC::ownCloudGui::slotSyncStateChange: Sync state changed for folder "" : "Success"
12-10 15:35:06:190 0x5c70070 OCC::FolderWatcher::pathIsIgnored: * Ignoring file "C:/Users/rmurmis/Desktop/.csync_journal.db-wal"
12-10 15:35:06:193 0x5c70070 OCC::FolderWatcher::pathIsIgnored: * Ignoring file "C:/Users/rmurmis/Desktop/.owncloudsync.log"
12-10 15:35:06:385 0x5c70070 OCC::FolderMan::slotFolderSyncFinished: <===================================== sync finished for ""
12-10 15:35:22:947 0xab41e88 unknown: ERRORING CURRENT QHttpNetworkReply(0x95b6f90) QUrl( "" )
12-10 15:35:22:952 0x5c70070 OCC::AbstractNetworkJob::slotFinished: void OCC::AbstractNetworkJob::slotFinished() 2 "Conexi�n cerrada" QVariant(Invalid)
12-10 15:35:22:954 0x5c70070 OCC::PropfindJob::finished: PROPFIND request *not* successful, http result code is 0 ""
12-10 15:35:25:693 0x5c70070 OCC::Account::resetNetworkAccessManager: Resetting QNAM
12-10 15:35:25:697 0x5c70070 OCC::ConnectionValidator::checkServerAndAuth: Checking server and authentication
12-10 15:35:25:702 0x5c70070 OCC::AbstractNetworkJob::start: !!! OCC::CheckServerJob created for "" + "status.php" "OCC::ConnectionValidator"
12-10 15:35:52:703 0x5c70070 OCC::CheckServerJob::slotTimeout: TIMEOUT virtual void OCC::CheckServerJob::slotTimeout()
12-10 15:35:52:705 0x5c70070 OCC::AccountSettings::showConnectionLabel: "Sin conexi�n a ownCloud en <a href=""></a>.
tiempo de espera"
12-10 15:35:52:711 0x5c70070 OCC::FolderMan::slotAccountStateChanged: Account "" disconnected or paused, terminating or descheduling sync folders
12-10 15:35:57:714 0x5c70070 OCC::Account::resetNetworkAccessManager: Resetting QNAM
12-10 15:35:57:718 0x5c70070 OCC::ConnectionValidator::checkServerAndAuth: Checking server and authentication
12-10 15:35:57:735 0x5c70070 OCC::AbstractNetworkJob::start: !!! OCC::CheckServerJob created for "" + "status.php" "OCC::ConnectionValidator"
12-10 15:36:24:738 0x5c70070 OCC::CheckServerJob::slotTimeout: TIMEOUT virtual void OCC::CheckServerJob::slotTimeout()
12-10 15:36:24:740 0x5c70070 OCC::AccountSettings::showConnectionLabel: "Sin conexi�n a ownCloud en <a href=""></a>.
tiempo de espera"
12-10 15:42:53:985 0x5c70070 OCC::AbstractNetworkJob::start: !!! OCC::CheckServerJob created for "" + "status.php" "OCC::ConnectionValidator"
12-10 15:43:05:096 0x5c70070 OCC::CheckServerJob::finished: status.php returns: QMap(("edition", QVariant(QString, "") ) ( "installed" , QVariant(bool, true) ) ( "maintenance" , QVariant(bool, false) ) ( "version" , QVariant(QString, "") ) ( "versionstring" , QVariant(QString, "9.1.1") ) ) 0 Reply: QNetworkReplyHttpImpl(0x9021210)
12-10 15:43:05:098 0x5c70070 OCC::ConnectionValidator::slotStatusFound: ** Application: ownCloud found: QUrl( "" ) with version "9.1.1" ( "" )
12-10 15:43:05:101 0x5c70070 OCC::ConnectionValidator::checkAuthentication: # Check whether authenticated propfind works.
12-10 15:43:05:103 0x5c70070 OCC::AbstractNetworkJob::start: !!! OCC::PropfindJob created for "" + "/" "OCC::ConnectionValidator"
12-10 15:43:25:983 0x5c70070 OCC::AccountState::checkConnectivity: ConnectionValidator already running, ignoring ""
12-10 15:43:44:973 0x5c70070 OCC::AccountManager::saveAccountHelper: Saving 1 unknown certs.
12-10 15:43:44:973 0x5c70070 OCC::AccountManager::saveAccountHelper: Saving cookies.
12-10 15:43:45:076 0x5c70070 OCC::CookieJar::save: "C:/Users/rmurmis/AppData/Local/ownCloud//cookies.db"
12-10 15:43:45:080 0x5c70070 OCC::AccountManager::save: Saved all account settings, status: 0
12-10 15:43:45:080 0x5c70070 OCC::SyncEngine::abort: void OCC::SyncEngine::abort() QObject(0x0)
12-10 15:43:45:080 0x5c70070 OCC::SyncJournalDb::close: void OCC::SyncJournalDb::close() "C:/Users/rmurmis/Desktop/.csync_journal.db"
12-10 15:43:45:080 0x5c70070 OCC::SyncJournalDb::commitTransaction: No database Transaction to commit
12-10 15:43:45:080 0x706e160 OCC::WatcherThread::watchChanges: Received stop event, aborting folder watcher thread
12-10 15:43:45:160 0x5c70070 OCC::OwncloudWizard::slotCurrentPageChanged: Current Wizard page changed to 0
12-10 15:43:45:162 0x5c70070 unknown: Failed to resolve EGL function eglGetPlatformDisplayEXT (No se encontr� el proceso especificado.)
12-10 15:43:45:165 0x5c70070 unknown: static QWindowsEGLStaticContext* QWindowsEGLStaticContext::create(): Could not initialize EGL display: error 0x3001
12-10 15:43:45:165 0x5c70070 unknown: static QWindowsEGLStaticContext* QWindowsEGLStaticContext::create(): When using ANGLE, check if d3dcompiler_4x.dll is available
12-10 15:43:45:188 0x5c70070 OCC::SocketApi::~SocketApi: SocketApi: dtor
12-10 15:43:45:188 0x5c70070 OCC::SocketApi::onLostConnection: SocketApi: Lost connection QLocalSocket(0x722d288)
12-10 15:43:45:193 0x5c70070 OCC::SocketApi::onLostConnection: SocketApi: Lost connection QLocalSocket(0x8ecfd10)