Display FederationID at shared Files

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install LDAP and connect to Active Directory
  2. Establish Federation between to Owncloud Instances
  3. "green" Icon in admin settings for the federations on both sides -> sucessfull federation:sync-addressbooks
  4. User1@domain1 share a file to the remote user with the FED-ID "F9F4417....@domain2.com"
  5. User2@domain2 accept the file

Expected behaviour

Display the user friendly human readable remote name like "user2@domain2.com" under the shared tab.

Actual behaviour

currently you see the FED-ID "F9F4417....14@domain2.com".I you want to share a file you could search for the real username like "User1@domain1"


Is there any configuration option to change this behavior?

Server configuration

Operating system: Ubuntu

Web server: Apache 2.4

Database: MySQL

PHP version: 7.1

ownCloud version: (see ownCloud admin page) 10.0.4

Updated from an older ownCloud or fresh install: Updated from 9.1

Where did you install ownCloud from: tarball

Hey @mdreyer31! Thanks for reporting! This is actually a known technical limitation for some LDAP installations - see:


Will be reworked for https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues/29503 in the future. Stay tuned!