On our local Owncloud-Server we have several SMB-Shares connected and successfully installed Elasticsearch. The SMB-Shares are connected through a unique user with access to the shares. Everything is working fine, the Windows-Domain-Users are authenticating with LDAP on a Domaincontroller. We have installed Elasticsearch and the Fulltextsearch Plugin and all is running.
After a long time indexing for the first User we got this message: Lost connection to LDAP-Server.
The index is builded and all seems fine. But we are not able to finish the indexing, cause it allways stops after the first LDAP-User in our User-List. How to solve this?
Yes, there are about 7 million files on the SMB-Shares, it takes time, I know. But it will never finish, if it’s allways stopping after the first LDAP-User on our Owncloud.
root@owncloud10:~# curl -s ‘http://localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v’ | head -5
health status index uuid pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size pri.store.size
green open .geoip_databases ZvX1QzZASZ2x7y705hv2eg 1 0 34 29 31.3mb 31.3mb
green open oc-ochp4vti2nql-relv2 cPud-FS4Qg-KiALzfNk9TA 1 0 0 0 227b 227b
green open oc-ochp4vti2nql vOCLf6enQHGRMl_FqcPnYg 1 0 2530948 399711 129.1gb 129.1gb