Error on my cloud 0308010C

Hello everyone
i have a problem with my owncloud installation for some time when i want to download a file i have the following error message:

Encryption not ready: multikeydecrypt with share key failed:error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported

i am hosted at ifastnet i do not manage my server
i have a Premium Web Hosting account (cPanel).and i have do a install with softaculous.
i told them about the error i have they told me it did not come from the server
what can i do???

thanks in advance


i did a search on Github and found the following issue which i think it could be possible that this is related.

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Hi there
Thank you very much but they don’t really answer the problem

best regards


i think you could try to look into the linked issue in which i think you could find an answer to the problem (some one mentioned something about OpenSSL there).

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Hello there

By insisting with my hosting support, I got the following response.
by dint of insisting with the support of my hosting I had the following response… should I be worried?? I have the latest version of owncloud

"Hi there,

Basically your script relies on old software that’s, well it is legacy and some point may even be removed completely.

doc.owncloud. com /server/10.14/admin_manual/installation/manual_installation/manual_installation_prerequisites.html#openssl-version

As you can see, it is documented issue, however again, server do have software updates, that solution may not work in the future. Perhaps you should start thinking of upgrading your software soon.

Please let us know if there is anything we can do."

the problem is resolve for the moment
thanks a lot
best regards


i think if you are not using external storages then i think one option could be also to disable the encryption app as it doesn’t increase security of your files in this case and i think it only adds more complexity and problems.

Hello and thank you for your response,
how can I deactivate it?
i dont have acces on my server is a hosting server
thanks a lot
best regards


it seems the ownCloud people are providing some documentation how to disable the encryption.

I think it is strongly recommended to make a good backup of all files if something is going wrong during the process.

HI there,
ok thanks a lot
i going to check that
thank you
best regards

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