Error owncloud installation UCS

Hi, when i try to install owncloud on UCS server the script fail every time … i run the command “univention-app install owncloud” on shell

Going to install ownCloud (10.3.2-1)
Password for Administrator: Going to remove ownCloud (10.3.2-1)
Password for Administrator: root@server:~# univention-app install owncloud
Going to install ownCloud (10.3.2-1)
Password for Administrator:
[01.PRE_INST] folder declaration
[01.PRE_INST] folder creation
[01.PRE_INST] enable logging
[01.PRE_INST] Test for broken ownCloud installation and fix it to enable updating
[01.PRE_INST] read environment variables
[01.PRE_INST] look for binddn and bindpwdfile
[01.PRE_INST] configure mariadb
Not updating mysql/config/mysqld/innodb_large_prefix
Not updating mysql/config/mysqld/innodb_file_format
Not updating mysql/config/mysqld/innodb_file_per_table
[01.PRE_INST] Check if owncloud 9 was installed previously
[01.PRE_INST] Base configuration for ownCloud
[01.PRE_INST] getting ldap password
Create owncloud/user/enabled
Create owncloud/group/enabled
Create owncloud/ldap/base
Create owncloud/ldap/loginFilter
Create owncloud/ldap/userFilter
Create owncloud/ldap/groupFilter
Create owncloud/ldap/internalNameAttribute
Create owncloud/ldap/userUuid
Create owncloud/ldap/groupUuid
Create owncloud/ldap/emailAttribute
Create owncloud/ldap/memberAssoc
Create owncloud/ldap/user/quotaAttribute
Create owncloud/ldap/base/users
Create owncloud/ldap/base/groups
Create owncloud/ldap/search/users
Create owncloud/ldap/search/groups
[01.PRE_INST] Check if this is a migration from 9.1
[01.PRE_INST] no previous installation found
[01.PRE_INST] Updating Icon Image for ownCloud docs
Create ucs/web/overview/entries/admin/owncloud-admindoc/icon
Module: create_portal_entries
Create ucs/web/overview/entries/admin/owncloud-userdoc/icon
Module: create_portal_entries
Cannot run command: 4.3/owncloud=10.3.2-1 is not running in a container
Cannot run command: 4.3/owncloud=10.3.2-1 is not running in a container
ownCloud 10.0

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.Â

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public
License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see
Do you agree [y/N]? y
Creating data directories for owncloud…
Copying /var/cache/univention-appcenter/
Registering UCR for owncloud
Marking 4.3/owncloud=10.3.2-1 as installed
File: /etc/univention/
Multifile: /etc/postgresql/9.6/main/pg_hba.conf
File: /usr/share/univention-portal/apps.json
Setting ports for apache proxy
Multifile: /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
Multifile: /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf
File: /etc/apache2/sites-available/univention-letsencrypt.conf
Adding localhost to LDAP object
Setting overview variables
Module: create_portal_entries
Reloading apache2 configuration (via systemctl): apache2.service.
univention-mysql è già stato impostato come installato manualmente.
Creating database for 4.3/owncloud=10.3.2-1
Password for owncloud database in /etc/owncloud.secret
Registering schema /usr/share/univention-appcenter/apps/owncloud/owncloud.schema
INFO: No change of core data of object owncloud.
No modification: cn=owncloud,cn=ldapschema,cn=univention,dc=arc,dc=loc

WARNING: cannot append owncloud to appidentifier, value exists
No modification: cn=owncloud,cn=ldapschema,cn=univention,dc=arc,dc=loc

Waiting for activation of the extension object owncloud: OK
Registering the container host owncl-97494792 for owncloud
Verifying Docker registry manifest for app image
Downloading app images
Running command: docker-compose -p owncloud pull
Some networks were defined but are not used by any service: appcenter_net
Pulling redis … done
Pulling owncloud … done

Initializing app image
Running command: docker-compose -p owncloud up -d --no-build --no-recreate
Some networks were defined but are not used by any service: appcenter_net
Creating owncloud_redis_1 … done
Creating owncloud_owncloud_1 … done

WARNING: Some networks were defined but are not used by any service: appcenter_net
Preconfiguring container 4473f408584405aab4235d4adaae32776ee54594fada86560ad537dd55ff8222
Some networks were defined but are not used by any service: appcenter_net
Starting redis …
Starting owncloud …
tarting owncloud … done
Running command: docker cp /etc/owncloud.secret 4473f408584405aab4235d4adaae32776ee54594fada86560ad537dd55ff8222:/etc/owncloud.secret
Configuring 4.3/owncloud=10.3.2-1
Module: autostart
Setting OWNCLOUD_DOMAIN to ‘server.arc.loc’
Setting OWNCLOUD_SUB_URL to ‘/owncloud’
ucr cannot be found, falling back to changing the database file directly
Executing interface restore_data_before_setup for owncloud
No interface defined
Executing interface setup for owncloud
Copying App Center’s setup to container’s /usr/share/univention-docker-container-mode/setup_custom
[02.DOCKER_SETUP] Enable user_ldap app

Setup script failed!
Going to remove ownCloud (10.3.2-1)
Configuring 4.3/owncloud=10.3.2-1
Executing interface configure for owncloud
Copying App Center’s configure to container’s /tmp/owncloud-configure
configuration script running…
Some networks were defined but are not used by any service: appcenter_net
Stopping owncloud_owncloud_1 …
Stopping owncloud_redis_1 …
topping owncloud_redis_1 … done
Some networks were defined but are not used by any service: appcenter_net
Some networks were defined but are not used by any service: appcenter_net
Some networks were defined but are not used by any service: appcenter_net
Removing owncloud_owncloud_1 …
Removing owncloud_redis_1 …
emoving owncloud_owncloud_1 … done
Removing localhost from LDAP object
File: /etc/univention/
File: /usr/share/univention-portal/apps.json
Module: create_portal_entries
File: /etc/apache2/sites-available/univention-letsencrypt.conf
Multifile: /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
Multifile: /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf
Multifile: /etc/postgresql/9.6/main/pg_hba.conf
Reloading apache2 configuration (via systemctl): apache2.service.
Installing join script /var/cache/univention-appcenter/
univention-run-join-scripts: runs all join scripts existing on local computer.
copyright © 2001-2020 Univention GmbH, Germany

the installation fail and owncloud is not installed … it seem that fail when try to Enable user_ldap app

so have tried to run a command “univention-app install owncloud --do-not-revert” the container of onwcloud in the docker is installed but obviously it keeps restarting … if i check the log with the command “docker logs owncloud_owncloud_1” i found this error :

SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table ‘owncloud.oc_appconfig’ doesn’t exist in /var/www/owncloud/lib/composer/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Driver/AbstractMySQLDriver.php:53
Stack trace:

it seem that there is not a problem with mariadb … so have tried to check the connection to the db “mysql -u root -p$(< /etc/mysql.secret) mysql” and it’s OK, tried to connect at owncloud db "use owncloud; " and it’s OK “show tables;” and there are not tables !


Server configuration

Operating system: Univention Corporate Server

Web server: Apache/2.4.25 (Univention)

Database: MariaDB

PHP version: PHP 7.0.33

ownCloud version: ownCloud (10.3.2-1)


can you run univention-app update before installation?

We are in the process of releasing a new app, 10.4.1. It will have fixes to most issues.

Do you have internet connection or are you trying to install it offline?

Best Regards


1 Like

Hello Dmitry, thanks for you answer

i have run univention-app update and then the run the installation but the version of the owncloud is not changed

the UCS is all updated



I guess you have tried installing ownCloud several times and some remnants of a previous installation are blocking something. Do you have a snapshot before you installed ownCloud the first time? A clean slate so to speak?

If not - remove everything regarding ownCloud

The ownCloud dir in /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/owncloud/
and the database owncloud.

Then try to install the ownCloud app again.

The update command earlier does not change the app version, it just pulls the latest scripts.

1 Like


yes, all is started with an 501 error of owncloud and unfortunately i don’t have a snapshot

i have removed the dir and something has changed during the installation, it has completed ther and owncloud now it’s installed but the integration with ldap of UCS is missing … i can access to ownclud but with the local user

this the output of the installation command :

[02.DOCKER_SETUP] Enable user_ldap app

[02.DOCKER_SETUP] Enabling of user_ldap FAILED! after 20 tries
ownCloud is not installed - only a limited number of commands are available Command “app:enable” is not defined. Did you mean this? app:check-code
[02.DOCKER_SETUP] Waiting for LDAP app testing…

[02.DOCKER_SETUP] Testing of user_ldap FAILED! after 40 tries
There are no commands defined in the “ldap” namespace.
[02.DOCKER_SETUP] Read base configs for ldap

There are no commands defined in the “ldap” namespace.

[02.DOCKER_SETUP] creating new ldap config in docker setup script

There are no commands defined in the “ldap” namespace.

[02.DOCKER_SETUP] setting variables from values in docker setup script

There are no commands defined in the “ldap” namespace.

There are no commands defined in the “ldap” namespace.

There are no commands defined in the “ldap” namespace.

There are no commands defined in the “ldap” namespace.

There are no commands defined in the “ldap” namespace.

There are no commands defined in the “ldap” namespace.

There are no commands defined in the “ldap” namespace.

There are no commands defined in the “ldap” namespace.

There are no commands defined in the “ldap” namespace.

There are no commands defined in the “ldap” namespace.

There are no commands defined in the “ldap” namespace.

There are no commands defined in the “ldap” namespace.

There are no commands defined in the “ldap” namespace.

There are no commands defined in the “ldap” namespace.

There are no commands defined in the “ldap” namespace.

There are no commands defined in the “ldap” namespace.

There are no commands defined in the “ldap” namespace.

There are no commands defined in the “ldap” namespace.

[02.DOCKER_SETUP] setting up user sync in cron
[02.DOCKER_SETUP] first user sync
The backend <OCA\User_LDAP\User_Proxy> does not exist. Did you forget to enable the app?
[02.DOCKER_SETUP] cron fix
[02.DOCKER_SETUP] avatars fix
[02.DOCKER_SETUP] log level 3
Enabled logging backend: owncloud
Log level: Error (3)
Log timezone: UTC
[02.DOCKER_SETUP] enabling log log rotate
[02.DOCKER_SETUP] configuring owncloud for onlyoffice use
[02.DOCKER_SETUP] reactivate apps that may have been disabled during an app update
[02.DOCKER_SETUP] no file found which contains app list
Executing interface restore_data_after_setup for owncloud
No interface defined
Configuring 4.3/owncloud=10.3.2-1
Executing interface configure for owncloud
Copying App Center’s configure to container’s /tmp/owncloud-configure
configuration script running…
updating certificates for 4.3/owncloud=10.3.2-1
Installing join script /var/cache/univention-appcenter/
univention-run-join-scripts: runs all join scripts existing on local computer.
copyright © 2001-2020 Univention GmbH, Germany


i have run the command : faillog -r for unlock all the user that was blocked from the system, then i have remove owncloud and tried again to install and finally the installation script it’s complete without error

owncloud it’s installed and works correctly

thanks very much for you support

I am glad that you have now a working ownCloud installation. I am sorry for the inconvenience you have experienced.

If you need further assistance - don’t hesitate to write in the forum :slight_smile: