Error when installing apps on [Resolved]

I'm trying to migrate from 8x to 10x and it looks like I need to add the Calendar, Task and Contacts apps from the marketplace, but when I go to the marketplace and find those apps and click "Install" I get the following error on screen: Archives of type application/gzip are not supported

I'm running Owncloud on a shared server (Dreamhost). How do I troubleshoot this error?

Steps to reproduce

  1. Visit
  2. Click "Install"

Expected behaviour

Should install the Contacts App.

Actual behaviour

Error flashes on the screen: Archives of type application/gzip are not supported

Server configuration

Operating system:
Ubuntu Linux on Dreamhost Shared Hosting

Web server:


PHP version:

ownCloud version: (see ownCloud admin page)

Updated from an older ownCloud or fresh install:

Fresh install, migrating data from 8x.

Where did you install ownCloud from:

Downloaded bz2.

Signing status (ownCloud 9.0 and above):

When I try to access on my domain I get the following:

File not found

The specified document has not been found on the server.

You can click here to return to ownCloud.

The content of config/config.php:

Note that I also edited this to mask username and domain.

I did the following search and found a few issues describing that there might be some PHP modules missing.

Maybe you could review the requirements for ownCloud at the following link, could be possible that your shared server is not fulfilling those:

Thanks! I had only searched on the full error "Archives of type application/gzip are not supported." which didn't turn up anything.

I had checked the requirements but I did just doublecheck via phpinfo(); and everything on that list of requirements is enabled.

I only need three apps (contacts, calendar, tasks) so I'm happy to install them manually if that's more straightforward.

A number of the issue discussions suggested that fileinfo might be the culprit even though it is listed as "optional" on the requirements. I enabled fileinfo on Dreamhost and also upgraded to PHP 7.0 from 5.6 and that did the trick. I guess ideally I would have tried each separately to see if it was necessary to do b oth but ... 🤷 :ok_woman:

Oh, i think thats bad if something like this is not working if an optional module is not installed. Maybe you could report that to the guys writing the documentation? I think that report could fit into

Thanks for pointing out the issue. I'm currently updating the documentation to fix this point.

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