Error while trying to create admin user owncloud

error while trying to create admin user owncloud .

i am using drbd and move owncloud file on drbd ..applicaiton is running file .i have also change the db path as well which is also are using in drbd.

when i create the admin user and using mariadb ... uable to create the admin user. please help on this matter.

ERROR :owncloud.log file
at \/mnt\/test\/owncloud\/lib\/private\/setup.php#487","level":3,"time":"2017-12-23T07:31:06+00:00","method":"POST","url":"\/index.php\/heartbeat","user":"--"}
{"reqId":"Wj4JvuqnQtyjTV6ir@IUqwAAAAI","remoteAddr":"","app":"PHP","message":"file_put_contents(\/mnt\/test\/owncloud\/data\/.htaccess): failed to open stream: Permission denied at \/mnt\/test\/owncloud\/lib\/private\/setup.php#487","level":3,"time":"2017-12-23T07:46:06+00:00","method":"POST","url":"\/index.php\/heartbeat","user":"--"}

Looks like the user running the web server is not allowed to access the data folder.

Please try to adjust the ownership of the data folder