Please help us by providing the following info. Before posting please also check the pinned “Known issues” threads and make sure that you’re running the latest available version for your oC release: Changelog - ownCloud
Steps to reproduce
Share a folder using using a link
User downloads the folder, which is becomes and zip file
When user uses 7zip to extract it, he gets a header error. But all seems ok.
Using WinRar no error messages and all fine
Expected behaviour
Extract with no errors using 7zip
Actual behaviour
Extracted with header error using 7zip
Server configuration
Operating system: Ubuntu 16.04
Web server: normal LAMP from Ubuntu installation
Database: normal LAMP from Ubuntu installation
PHP version: normal LAMP from Ubuntu installation
ownCloud version (see ownCloud admin page): ownCloud 9.1.1 (stable)
Updated from an older ownCloud or fresh install: fresh install
Special configuration (external storage, external authentication, reverse proxy, server-side-encryption): no
Login as admin user into your ownCloud and access
paste the results here.
"No errors have been found."
@anon21401411 i do not understand completly what you mean with this statement. But my information is that in the
oc 10.0.4 and above the problem should not exists. but for me it does. (not more i would say with my