External FTP in 10.0.8

Using 10.0.8.
I would like to add external storage via FTP but I only have:
I didn’t find any info about FTP being removed and/or how to enable it.
Can someone please help me?

This links tells it should be there… https://doc.owncloud.org/server/10.0/admin_manual/configuration/files/external_storage/ftp.html

Hey, i think you need to install the following app via the marketplace from within ownCloud:


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Thank you Tom, the app should do what I need.
As a non-hardcore OC user, I found some problems I would like to share with OC community about this topic:

  • the 10.0 documentation is broken, current version refers to things that no more exist
  • as a newcomer, I searched for a way to use the market and only found the way to upload the tgz to the directory and modify the config. The “obvious” market icon in the file menu is well hidden and only a reference in a post pointed me to that. Google points you to a page where you have a link to the market itself, no mention how to install apps. Things that “we all know about” may be deeply hidden for people outside your circle.
  • the plugin itself has no documentation: I configured it the simple way, I sniffed the network and saw it was getting the data from the remote server, but the interface shows an empty folder instead of the real content. I imagine it has to gather/cache some data (it is running since 20 minutes on a 100mbit link to read a 80 files directory)

Lack of documentation (or even worse, broken) is the first thing that makes users say “this doesn’t work”.

And, I write it here because I found no other place to write it, I found a bug in the plugin: it does not consider the timezone difference between the server running OC and the remote FTP, so it says it was updated X hours ahead of now, in my case 2, because we’re on a 2 hour tz difference. This is an obvious case to spot, but I suppose it will be a problem with file information (think a about log files)

Hey, from what i know you can post issues with the documentation at https://github.com/owncloud/documentation/issues. I havn’t tried this on my own but from a short look it seems that the people maintaining the documentation are quite responsive there.

The plugin itself seems to have an own issue tracker at https://github.com/owncloud/files_external_ftp/issues.

I think its probably the best to report the issues you’re facing over there. My own experience has shown that posting issues or bugs in a user support forum like the forum here are often / mostly getting lost.

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Done both, thanks you for the precious help, it samed me a lot of time!

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Nice, i think its always great that users like us are giving feedback to documentation writers or developers like this. :+1: