Fehler beim Aufbau einer Datenbankverbindung

Hallo ich bekomme diese Fehlermeldung “Fehler beim Aufbau einer Datenbankverbindung” wenn ich versuche die webseite das erstemal aufzurufen ip-adresse:8888. ich verwende als betriebssystem OSX 10.12 Server, kann mir jemand weiter helfen.

Vielen Dank im Voraus


Hello I get this error message “Error while setting up a database connection” when I try the website the first time to call IP address: 8888. I use OSX 10.12 server as operating system, someone can help me further.

Thanks in advance


Hello I get this error message “Error while setting up a database connection” when I try the website the first time to call IP address: 8888. I use OSX 10.12 server as operating system, someone can help me further.

Thanks in advance


what ownCloud version are you using?

latest stable 2.5.4 2019/03/19

Hello Götz,

@dmitry sorry of disturbing

I want to understand this: you are using the owncloud client 2.5.4 for a connection to an owncloud server which is accessible through [ip address] and port 8888. This is an unencrypted client > server connection with http, I assume - correct? This is not a database connection, just simple http or https, so the error message “Error while setting up a database connection” makes no sense …

Do you use the same address [ip address]:8888 in your browser (Safari etc)?
Are you sure that the port 8888 is correct? Standard ports would be 80 or 443 or something like 8443 etc.