Gallery not longer working after upgrade to OC 9.1 when app files_move is activated [solved]

After upgrading OC to 9.1 the gallery app shows stopepd working.
The icons in the upepr right corner are still visible but not working ( e.g. to switch back to the file view), leaving the gallery app works only via the main app selector (upper left corner).

it throws an error in the log:

{"reqId":"IGtICRWQsb0IVl3P8\/rK","remoteAddr":"CLIENT_IP","app":"PHP","message":"Zend OPcache can't be temporary enabled (it may be only disabled till the end of request) at Unknown#0","level":3,"time":"2016-07-25T09:24:41+00:00","method":"PROPFIND","url":"\/remote.php\/webdav\/","user":"torben"}

Seems to crash php. any ideas? I'll try to get some debug output from PHP itself.

I run PHP 5.6.23 as php-fpm via apache mod_proxy_fcgi


Firebug reveals one error in the console:

In OCA.Files.fileActions.register() it throws "TypeError: OCA.Files.fileActions is undefined"


please report this directly to the app developer at:

Make sure that you're using the issue template shown when creating a new iusse there and please link the created issue in here.

I created Issue #699 :

I discovered the error is related to the app files_move. If I disable it, the gallery works as expected.

Enabling files_move causes the above error. So I assume it needs to be fixed here mit in the gallery.


Fixed in
