Firstly, this is a Gnome change, not Fedora but I run Fedora 27. Gnome has decided to drop the status icon drawer and it has broken my access to the GUI. As far as I can tell ownCloud is still operating in the background syncing my files and the like.
There is a work around extension that moves all status icons to the Top Bar however ownCloud has ceased to open that way either, I can see the icon on the top bar but I have no access. I have done everything I can possibly think of and (obviously) I can't find a solution. The icon nor the application overall will respond any longer.
I'm out of ideas and I can't find any information in any release after 2.3.3 that seems to indicate a fix.
Fedora 27 Gnome 3.26 ownCloud 2.3.3 (Fedora hasn't pushed 2.3.4 yet for some reason?)
You can always just open the GUI with the owncloud command on the command line. If the client is running - it will bring up the GUI. If the client is not running - it is started in the background. So just type the command and enjoy the GUI
hodyroff: I have tried opening the GUI that way before I made this thread, it doesn't work.
DeepDiver1975: I have tried that extension (and it's predecessor). That also doesn't work. It did at first but has since been broken, by what I don't know.
As long as the issue is known that is all I can ask. ownCloud is still running in the background and my folder updates. I just hope a remedy is found soon because it means that I either lose the app upon a OS reload or I cant reload until its fixed.
It is apparently glitchy on my side (the TopIcons Plus Extension). On my laptop it works flawlessly, not on my desktop. Some kind of loading problem on boot it seems, I log out and log back in and it works. Hopefully a permanent solution won't be far off so I can ditch this work around but all is in working order for now. Thanks for the help!
killing and starting /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/indicator-application/indicator-application-service as the desktop session user (using an xterm console for example) seems to help most of the time: