GSOC 2017 Participation for Gallery view in files app project idea

Hi, i am Gaston Che, a Senior year student of the faculty of engineering and technology of the university of Buea,Cameroon. I am a GSOC 2017 Candidate. I am a full stack web developer web developer with a lot of experience in web development. I have worked extensively with javacript and php and i beleive my skill set and JavaScript proficiency level makes me ready for the 'Gallery view in files app' project.
I would like to receive some directions or steps on how to get started contributing to the community.
thanks ...

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Have a look at the junior jobs:

The task itself will need you to understand the file list code from the files app: and also parts of the gallery app that need to be adjusted to be a "thumbnails" view replacement for the file list.

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Hi there,

This is Nam Giang, a grad student from UBC, Canada. I'm currently a user of OwnCloud and find it's interesting to dive into its code.

Regarding the project "Gallery view in files app" project, what do you mean by "kill"? As I understand, we are going to just add view extension to the "file" app right?

Thank so much.

Yes, I think the "kill" was mostly an idea to remove the gallery app completely and have the thumbnail view in core. But I think it's better to keep the gallery app and make it register a new file list view type which displays thumbnails. The part that would disappear is the navigation icon for the gallery app as it will be integrated in the files list directly.

Note that currently there is no way to register new file list view types, so it's also part of the work to make the files app in core extensible in that regard.

@Akalanka - please have a look here

@gastonche is also interested in this project - maybe you can team up? THX

Thank you very much, @DeepDiver1975 for the guidance. I will discuss with @gastonche and look into the work!

Dear ownCloud community,

My name is Akalanka Hewawasam. I am currently a second year software engineering undergraduate of Informatics Institute of Technology affiliated with university of Westminster in Sri Lanka.

I would like to apply for Google summer of code 2017. I am really interested in ownCloud organization and its proposals.

I like to work with the project titled gallery view in files app. Beforehand I would like to contribute with a junior job, bugfix or other minor change to ownCloud. Currently I am studying ownCloud developer manual.
I cordially request you to guide me through a junior job.

I am fairly proficient in php, javascript. html5 and css. I have a decent knowledge in GIT too.
I am awaiting your response. Thank you so much for your attention!

Regards: Akalanka Hewawasam.

I have looked into both gallery codebase and the filelist. The basic steps that I can count are as following -
1. Register a new type like registerDetailView or registerTabView. Currently there seems to be only detailsView that is used extensively
2. Check the mime type and if it is anything that gallery can manage then use the GalleryView which is already implemented and uses thumbnails.
3. If mime type is supported then integrate the Gallery Album View which opens a photowall when clicked on such files.
3. Remove the navigation icon for gallery app.

Since currently there are no ways to add new file list view types, could you specify some basic steps that one might need to create that from scratch.

Are there any other points that I might be missing. Could you please point them out. Also sorry for the delay, I was heavliy swamped with university work for the past week. I will continue to submit PR's and work in issues that I have already been working on.

The current code of the files app is very messy and I'm afraid that trying to add more views into it is going to make it even worse.

The trickiest part is that if you write a new file view from scratch (instead of extending the messy FileList), then you need to make sure to properly integrate with FileActions.

So rathar than adding to the fileslist.js, we need to add something like galleryview.js, like in a seperate file one needs to extend that facility?

For this, I thought I could use some pointers in fileList code which would help me to understand the flow