Help build win client

@alfageme please help me to win build client, puedes ayudarme?

Have you tried following the build instructions?

If so, what errors have you encountered?

I have done the process in SuSE using Docker and compile but the .exe has unmistake after settling

I did tests with the client of Nextcloud and generates the same error

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Hey @goshdark138 you have a step-by-step guide in this central thread: Word of advice: try first to create a non-themed client to discard errors that may come from that direction.

Hope to be "de ayuda" :slight_smile:

que distribución de linux he de usar suse, ubuntu ? esa opción también la intente y el problema persiste

You can use the as template for what you'll need to install on OpenSUSE 42.1 in order to get the cross-compilation of the client to work out. You're probably missing some of the libraries that appear there.

RUN zypper --non-interactive --gpg-auto-import-keys ar