Help Encryption

Hi I moved the data directory in Owncloud to another server. Everything is working but unfortunately everything is encrypted and I can't access to the files.

Is there any way to decrypt all the files with a command?

Hey Thanks, could you clarify this ? Update the “encrypted” flag to 1 in the DB to all files under files/path, but not directories. Setting the flag to 1 tells the encryption application that the file is encrypted and needs to be processed.

I don't know what to do

Also, I'm using OCC using the USER Password. but Is not working.

sudo -u daemon /opt/owncloud-9.1.4-0/php/bin/php /opt/owncloud-9.1.4-0/apps/owncloud/htdocs/occ encryption:decrypt-all jho

Do you want to use the users login password to decrypt all files? (y/n) y
Please enter the user's login password:
Could not decrypt private key, maybe you entered the wrong password?
Module "Default encryption module" does not support the functionality to decrypt all files again or the initialization of the module failed!
Server side encryption remains enabled