How to delete account according to GDPR?

How can I delete my account according to the GDPR ?


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Do you refer to your account here on In this case I’d send a message to @eneubauer - he seems to be the most active oc staff member here.

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Hi. There still does not seem to be an option to delete an account according to GDPR. Who is responsible here for data management?


it seems the About - ownCloud Central page contains a link to the “Contact Us” page of the ownCloud people to get in touch with them.

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I also found the list of admins on About - ownCloud Central which i think should be also able to delete an account on user request.

@Juanca @nadine_kiteworks @hodyroff As you have been recently active here can you help here?

And please also delete my account as well (postings can be kept).

Goodbye ownCloud

Hi! This post seems to be almost 5 years old, I guess the original author is not here anymore… In any case, what is the request, removing the account from the central forum? And how according to GDPR?

@anon21401411 we’re so sad to see you go :broken_heart:. There should be an option in the settings to remove it yourself, but I don’t know if posts will be kept, even if we the admins remove your account.

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Should, but isn’t. I’m also up to leaving soon. :angry:

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Hi @anon21401411,

thanks for tagging me! I can deactivate your account for you.
If you want it deleted, I will have to delete your 330 posts first.

Please let me know what you want to do.

Sorry for any inconvenience!

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@nadine_kiteworks @Juanca Thank you for looking into this.

Asking for support was about a different user @andrius who i think asked for account deletion at How to delete account according to GDPR? - #3 by andrius in December 2024 but the account seems to be still available so i’m not sure if the user had any luck in contacting the responsible ownCloud staff.

I think deleting the posts is not needed, i think Discourse allows to anonymize a user which would be enough for at least me (not sure about @andrius):

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Hi @andrius, I can help you with this.

I can deactivate your account for you.
If you want it deleted, I will have to delete your 330 posts first.
Furthermore, I can also anonymize your account. This will change the username and email, and reset all profile information.

Please let me know what you want to do.

Sorry for any inconvenience!

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Okay, thank you! As mentioned in my reply to andrius, I can anonymize your account. This will change the username and email, and reset all profile information.

Let me know if this is what you’d like to do.

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Thank you again, i would like to request the following for my account:


Done! Let me know if you need anything else :slight_smile: