How to revert back to ownCloud 9.1.6?

I had the ownCloud 9.1.6 (stable) and I started the update button. The process didn't completed and now the page has an error

This version of ownCloud requires at least PHP 5.6.0
You are currently running 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.6. Please update your PHP version.

Please can you help me how can I revert back to version 9.1.6 ?
Before the update I took a backup of the entire folder and the DB. Should I delete the current folder and DB and upload the backup files?

Server configuration

Operating system: Ubuntu 14.04

Web server: Apache


PHP version: PHP 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.6

Hi there,

you can use our doc to restore your owncloud from a backup. I would mv the current owncloud folder to owncloud.old and download the 9.1.6 tarballs, extract them, import the backup, connect the db, and make an upgrade.

thank you. it worked.

I am glad I could help you out :slight_smile: