How to send pdf file by email from pdf viewer

Hello, I have the need to be able to send by email from the pdf viewer of owncloud the pdf files previewed and I do not have how to do it, in the viewer only appears the option to download, or print, I require to enable the option to send by electronic mail.

As I can do this, someone has any idea or know how I can do it with a fragment of code or a plugin ???

Thank you


there is no such option / possibility (neither natively nor by plugin). You would need to dig into the code of ownCloud and write an own app for that. Documentation about such app developement is available here:

If you just want to send the mail from your e-mail client and attach the pdf to it you might also want to check the following issue tracker or report a new feature request there. Thats the library used for the pdf viewer of oC: