How to use the gallery feature after disabling it for the update to


i just updated to owncloud and I had to disable the “gallery” app before I could finish the update / conversation of the database.

How can I use / activate the gallery feature now again?

Thanks for help

Hi Wolkenreich,
You should have a little button on your apps page in the settings (as ownCloud admin user), that says ‘Show disabled apps’, once you click on that you should find the Gallery app and you should be able to re-enable it.

There is also an occ command which should just work like so, if you have command line access:

occ app:enable gallery

Hope that helps.

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Hello Eneubauer,

thanks for your answer.

I dont’t have command line access. I disabled the apps during the update process via phpadmin. But I am afraid to destroy my installation if I enable it on this way. I also had to deactivat “pdfviewer” and other apps and non of them is shown in the “deactivated app” section.

Maybe the “gallery” app is not comaptible to my updated version of owncloud?

There is only “Default encryption module”, " External Sites", and “External user support”.

Are there any other ways to install missing apps?

Thanks for your support.

Then you have to reinstall them from the market.

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