I installed oc9.1.1 in centos7.0 with lnmp1.3(Linux+nginx+mysql+php).when i logged and find just only english in language selection.
Please help us to change something to set other language,thanks a lot.
I installed oc9.1.1 in centos7.0 with lnmp1.3(Linux+nginx+mysql+php).when i logged and find just only english in language selection.
Please help us to change something to set other language,thanks a lot.
You’re most likely missing the language files shipped with a default oC installation.
Try to redo the installation with one of the resources listed here: Download Server Packages - ownCloud and make sure that you’re uploading all files and folders.
If you’re using an own theme disable that as well
I change the 8.2.8version ,but the same as 9.1.1,the files maybe not missed when i download the tar.bz2.
I get the www user with owncloud, theme is default.
I install the 9.1.1 in CentOS7,and the CentOS support Chinese,but whether 8.2.8 or 9.1.1,the selection in personal’s language just English in it,not others.
Try it with the languagesCodes.php and the config.php:
I tried to have no effect, after entering the language settings or only English options.
I installed the yum install owncloud way once, still the selection in personal’s language just English in it.
Maybe my OS something wrong?
How am i to do?
Do you get this effect with every browser? Try it with another one, please.
If “yes”, create an issue under GitHub · Where software is built .
CentOS 7 is listed as a supported operating systemon ownCloud Documentation Overview .
I used the chrome48 and ie11, the phenomenon is still the same, can not choose other languages, only a English.
OK,I submitted the No26286. issue, thanks a lot.
The OP had added the PHP scandir() to the disable_functions php.ini setting which caused that issue: Installed the yum install owncloud way once, still the selection in personal's language just English in it. · Issue #26286 · owncloud/core · GitHub
Another one of such cases where people messing with their config without knowing the impact on their setup…