I like to use calendar events with a script

Hi guys,

I like to integrate my calendar to my smart home. I use this script I found in a forum:

To start the script I have to use the command http://IP-Webserver/caldav/caldav.php?calURL=http://IP-OwnCloud/remote.php/dav/principals/users/ME/Test&user=USER&pass=Passwd&fwdays=14&events=Test

But I get no results. I think this part of the link is not correct: http://IP-OwnCloud/remote.php/dav/principals/users/ME/Test

Any Ideal how I can find out witch is the correct Link?



you can get the correct link within the Calendar App behind the "Link" button. Your current Link is wrong as this is the link to an addressbook via CardDAV, not a link to a calendar via CalDAV.

there are two Links:
Primary CalDAV Address

iOS/OS X Address

So I tried:

But it also dosen't work

You're choosing the wrong link. Its one of the links near the calendar name itself, not at the bottom behind the cogwheel.

Sorry, I misunderstood.
Now I use this Link:

With http://owncloud.local/remote.php/dav/calendars/USER/A55FA4E9-725A-4E2E-A04F-F928C4A55618?export I'm able to download the calendar. So the link is correct.

I start the script using:

But it could not find any events


then the script is most likely broken and doesn't work as expected. Contact the author of that script for more support.