Icon Previews - music icon - under "Activity"

I go to my ‘owncloud’ with a web browser and login. (in administrator group)

I uploaded some music .mp3 files. In files / music, I see the “music notes” icons.

If I go to “Activity” I can see I have uploaded some music files. But here, the music icon is broken. It will not show, in Activity. But do show under ‘files’

Linux - Debian - Apache

Thank you.


maybe you could use the issue template which i’m getting presented when creating a new thread in this “Server” category?

I think others are probably better able to help you if you provide more information. At the moment nearly everything is missing (e.g. possible entries from log files), even the ownCloud version you are using (e.g. an outdated ownCloud version could cause this problem). :frowning_face:

Those are all questions asked in that template which i think are asked for a good reason. :frowning_face:

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