If a folder name is renamed with a dot at the end in the web app, the desktop app will remove the folder from the desktop

Expected behaviour

If a folder name is renamed with a dot at the end in the web app, it must renamed in the desktop app.

Actual behaviour

If a folder name is renamed with a dot at the end in the web app, the desktop app will remove the folder from the desktop.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a folder name (Apple) on desktop
  2. Rename that folder name from Apple to Apple.(dot)
  3. Currently it is removing from the desktop

Server configuration

Operating system: Linux

Web server: Apache

Database: PostgreSQL

PHP version: 7.0+

ownCloud version: 10.13.2

Storage backend (external storage): Primary S3

Client configuration

Client version: Using owncloud official docker image owncloud/server:10.13.2

Operating system: Using owncloud official docker image owncloud/server:10.13.2

OS language: Using owncloud official docker image owncloud/server:10.13.2

Qt version used by client package (Linux only, see also Settings dialog): Using owncloud official docker image owncloud/server:10.13.2

Client package (From ownCloud or distro) (Linux only): Using owncloud official docker image owncloud/server:10.13.2

Installation path of client: Using owncloud official docker image owncloud/server:10.13.2


Template for output < 10 lines

  1. Client logfile: Output of owncloud --logwindow or owncloud --logfile log.txt
    (On Windows using cmd.exe, you might need to first cd into the ownCloud directory)

  2. Web server error log:

  3. Server logfile: ownCloud log (data/owncloud.log):


i think if this is not working as expected then i think you need to let the ownCloud people know over here:

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