I'm trying to find my config.php for two weeks. Now i am very desperate. I'm searching for it in /var/www/owncloud/config/config.php but it does not exist

I have a big problem finding map config. I don`t know in which map is document config.php. Please help me!

Can you provide more detail?

  • What exact version number of ownCloud are you using?
  • How is it installed? (package, tarball, Docker, appliance, etc)
  • If you are following a guide, can you share the URL?
  • What exactly are you looking for and what problem do you expect finding it to solve?
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I installed Owncloud in Docker. I have a container which is running on localhost but i would like to put it online. When i was trying to do this it says that i am visiting Owncloud from a untrusted domain. I am using latest version of Owncloud.

You should always use specific version numbers in response to such a question. The latest is always a moving target, which makes it meaningless.

You need to configure those values in your docker-compose.yaml file. See the following documentation for specifics.

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I get this error but I don`t know why.
Can you help me?

And I also found this error.
{“reqId”:“7zFaKReKHJwLQBjxzN2j”,“level”:2,“time”:“2024-10-27T21:27:13+00:00”,“remoteAddr”:“”,“user”:“–”,“app”:“core”,“method”:“GET”,“url”:“/”,“message”:“Trusted domain error. "" tried to access using "my IP:8080" as host.”}

Have you consulted the linked directions and configured your docker-compose.yaml as required?

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No because I can`t find this file docker-compose.yaml.

There is more than one example YAML file in the linked directions that you can use as a foundation to write your own.

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Thank you so much I solve this problem.
I have just one question do you know how to make cloud public with my ip adress?

TL:DR; You can’t use just an IP and you will need to configure a domain name.

You need to use a domain name. Attempting to access an ownCloud site via IP is not going to be safe or reliable. You will need a domain name in order to obtain a trusted DV certificate. You also will need a domain name to provide the host header required by modern webservers that depend on name-based virtual hosts.

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Do you maybe know which website is the best for buying domain and connecting it to owncloud?

No. It’s rather subjective and it’s not really an on-topic discussion for this forum. I suggest that you read some reviews and try one. If you don’t like the experience with the first one you try, you can transfer your domain registration to another registrar after sixty days.

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