Installing APCu on MAMP for Owncloud

Hello again,

so I'm opening a new topic as advised here.

Meanwhile I was able to set up a MySQL Database for Owncloud on a MAMP Server.

But I still can't figure out how to install APCu on MAMP since the Server is using a newer version of PHP than 5.4 so APC isn't working anymore(?).

Is it possible at all and can somebody tell me how?

I'm running Owncloud 9.1.1 on a MAMP Server 4.0.4 currently using PHP Version 7.0.10 (switchable to 5.6.25) and MySQL 5.6.28. All is freshly installed on a MacMini with OS X El Capitan 10.11.6.

It would help me a lot.

Thanks again.




why not asking the support of this MAMP project:

as they know their product the best (i don't think that people in here are knowing MAMP) and can tell you how to install the prerequisites for the Memcache supported by oC?

Afterwards you can follow the oC specific instructions here:

Just also noticed "mac mini". Please be aware that there is no real support for Mac OS X:

You're mostly on your own with file corruption, data loss and other stuff when running oC on this system.