Installing patch with Updater app?

Hi, I'm somewhat new to OC and I'd like to update my OC 9.1.0 stable installation to 9.1.2 (on shared hoster Uberspace). I did expect to get a notification in OC (for my admin user), but there is no notification. How can I install the patch, preferably with the Updater app? There seem to be some security issues fixed in the patch and I thought in might be a good idea to install that patch. The admin page says "Your version is up to date" . Obviously this seems to be wrong because there is 9.1.2 out for a while.
Thanks in advance

Do a manual upgrade. The automatic update is not very reliable, not sure if you could enforce this somehow.

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the update checker on the OC admin page states when it tried last time to check for an update and that was yesterday. I guess then there is no save way to update with the Updater app.

I was hoping there is a simple way to update because I have a very small installation and I'm not keen on spending 1/2h or more for a minor update.
Well anyways, I will think about it. THanks for your answer.