Issues in going from 2.0 to 3.0

I followed all the upgrade notes on the Version 2.0 to 3.0 but I was getting about GRAPH_APPLICATION_ID not present. I didn’t know what I was suppose to do and figured the system generates one. I made a valid Syntax UUIDv4 from a generator and put that in.

Upon run I see lots of errors on XTTR as below… and Scarey on my Spaces side it says I have NONE… I hope they are there. How do I get this all resolved.

{“level”:“debug”,“error”:“xattr.Remove /nfs/sharedrive/spaces/a8/4b13a4-7e89-4c01-84d2-9d7d1f1ffe61/nodes/1c/1e system.nfs4_acl: invalid argument”,“path”:“/nfs/sharedrive/spaces/a8/4b13a4-7e89-4c01-84d2-9d7d1f1ffe61/nodes/1c/1e”,“time”:“2023-11-15T13:11:54.987011544Z”,“caller”:“github DOT com/cs3org/reva/v2@v2.14.0/pkg/storage/utils/decomposedfs/migrator/0003_switch_to_messagepack_metadata.go:95”,“message”:“error removing xattr”}

What can I do to get these all resolved and back running. I am just running the Binary Version. in systems and with NFS and blobs on Backblaze B2 (S3) as the version 2.0 original examples showed… The system was previously operational

update: I stopped it and added OCIS_DECOMPOSEDFS_METADATA_BACKEND=xattrs it see if it would at least come up… but now it just fails with
Started OCIS server.

Nov 15 14:17:33 hornburg ocis[6068]: {“level”:“warn”,“service”:“storage-system”,“pkg”:“rhttp”,“time”:“2023-11-15T14:17:33.250301884Z”,“message”:“missing or incomplete nats configuration. Events will not be published.”}

Nov 15 14:17:34 hornburg ocis[6068]: {“level”:“warn”,“service”:“idp”,“kid”:“private-key”,“path”:“/nfs/sharedrive/idp/private-key.pem”,“time”:“2023-11-15T14:17:34.221574535Z”,“message”:“skipped as signer with same kid already loaded”}

{“level”:“info”,“root”:“/nfs/sharedrive”,“time”:“2023-11-15T14:17:34.288904838Z”,“caller”:“",“message”:"Migrating to messagepack metadata backend…”}

{“level”:“error”,“service”:“storage-system”,“pkg”:“rgrpc”,“traceid”:“00000000000000000000000000000000”,“error”:“node.Xattr /nfs/sharedrive/storage/metadata/spaces/js/oncs3-public-share-manager-metadata/nodes/js/on/cs/3-/public-share-manager-metadata no data available”,“status”:{“code”:15,“message”:“error creating space”,“trace”:“00000000000000000000000000000000”},“request”:{“opaque”:{“map”:{“spaceid”:{“decoder”:“plain”,“value”:“anNvbmNzMy1wdWJsaWMtc2hhcmUtbWFuYWdlci1tZXRhZGF0YQ==”}}},“owner”:{“id”:{“idp”:“internal”,“opaque_id”:“bdff9979-7dab-4335-8fd1-136cf8507090”}},“type”:“metadata”,“name”:“Metadata”},“time”:“2023-11-15T14:17:34.298591204Z”,“message”:“failed to create storage space”}

{“level”:“error”,“service”:“sharing”,“error”:“unable to register services: rgrpc: grpc service publicshareprovider could not be started,: internal error: error creating space”,“time”:“2023-11-15T14:17:34.29887665Z”,“message”:“error starting the grpc server”}

I had a couple post earlier., I deleted to remove any confusion…

Your handling of the GRAPH_APPLICATION_ID was correct. You can just put any UUID there, so this is not the issue.

I assume you followed Upgrading from 2.0.0 to 3.0.0

Until which step did you get before the errors occured. Did Step 9 finish successfully?