Issues regarding public sharing after an update


I just updated Owncloud from the 10.1.1 version to owncloud-files 10.4.1-1 + 1.1 repository :

Following this update, users tell me that they can no longer create public links in order to share resources with their students -but it works through the web browser with the Owncloud client.

When I click on “Create a public link”, nothing happens: the link works, but I can’t see any window popping up.

Debian GNU / Linux 9.12 (stretch)
owncloud-files 10.4.1-1 + 1.1
PHP 7.1.33-16 + 0

Thank you in advance for your answers.

hello !

In debug mode of my browser:
The application searches for OC.Share.ShareDialogExpirationView
While browsing the OC.Share object, we rather have ShareDialogLinkExpirationView …

2020-06-05 15_23_35-Courrier entrant - Crémos Mousli - Mozilla Thunderbird

There seems to be a problem updating JS library?

thank you in advance

Hello !

TypeError: OC.Share.ShareDialogExpirationView is not a constructor12 sharedialoglinkshareview.js:87:26

initialize sharedialoglinkshareview.js:87
Backbone 2
_showPopupForShare sharedialoglinklistview.js:200
onAddButtonClick sharedialoglinklistview.js:157
onAddButtonClick self-hosted:844
jQuery 2


i can see a “/themes/dane” in the source code of your ownCloud installation. If this problem started after an update then i think it could be possible that this theme isn’t compatible with the newest ownCloud version.


Thank you for your return, this is very possible, can you change the theme?
I also have a message in the logs:

,“level”:3,“time”:“June 01, 2020 08:02:49”,“remoteAddr”:“”,“user”:"–",“app”:“PHP”,“method”:“PROPFIND”,“url”:"/owncloud/remote.php/webdav/00-Coll%C3%A8ge%202019-2020",“message”:“Use of undefined constant \u2019dane\u2019 - assumed ‘\u2019dane\u2019’ at /var/www/owncloud/themes/dane/defaults.php#11”}

Again thank you for your clarification, I just changed the link theme: and as if by magic the creation of public links works.
Thanks again.


i think this definitely looks like an incompatible theme responsible for your issue. I’m not sure how to disable it as i never have used any theme but i think you could find any options for this in the admin backend of ownCloud.

I downloaded a theme and then copied to / var / www / owncloud / themes
To activate the theme we will modify the following conf file:
nano /var/www/owncloud/config/config.php
We will add or modify the following parameter:
‘Theme’ => ‘nomdutheme’,
We record then,
Thanks again

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