Hello. I am experiencing issues with the iOS app.
The files is appearing just OK, and I am allowed to view the files in default viewer. However I am unable to edit the files. I have MS Word and MS Excel installed - I also have a Office365 Premium account, which allows me to edit files on my iOS.
Tapping the file
The files openes in default viewer (Which is OK, I would prefer the MS Word/Excel to be default) - In here I can select “Open in …”
Opening another way
However I can swipe to the right on the filename, and a submenu appears (I can select More…) After which I can select “Open with …” - This will give me the same menu as above with “Open in …”
Open in …
This will only allow me to select “Copy to Excel” - However this only open the document as Read only - If I wish to edit the document, I will have to save a copy - However I can’t select OwnCloud as any of the places to save the copy.
Also it should be possible to open the document without it being read-only?
Any advice?
Mobile client configuration
Client version: iOS 3.4.9 (2c8cf9e)
Server configuration
Operating system: FreeBSD 10.2
Web server: Apache/2.4.23
Database: MySQL 5.6.30
PHP version: 5.6.24
ownCloud version (see ownCloud admin page): ownCloud 9.1.0
Updated from an older ownCloud or fresh install: Fresh install