Lost Connection To LDAP Server

Hi Everyone,

Im new to the community and owncloud has been dumped on me since the person who configured it has left. Im not very knowledge with Ubuntu but i know the basics.

The story behind this is the previous person who set this up used a template for this server. I had to recreate the partitions on the box so that the box has more space. In the beginning i thought the box had no space thats why it stopped working.

So the issue is after installing the upgrade the below error is what i get. If anyone could assist or point in the correct direction that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance


can you tell me how ownCloud was installed on the system originally and how you tried to update it and from what version to what version?

Hi Dmitry thanks for your reply but what i end up doing is restore from a previous snapshot, after that i was able to get into the admin console where i can make the changes to the ldap server configuration. Issue has been resolved. thanks again for your reply

Yeah, that’s always the best solution :smiley:

Unfortunately very few people make snapshots or backups.

Glad that it worked out for you