Manual update error 9.1.1 to 9.1.7

I would like to update my ownCloud (OVH hosting) 9.1.1 to latest 9.1.7 version (and next step will be jump to ownCloud 10).
I tried manual update via ssh. And after put ./occ upgrade error I see this worning:
Repair warning: The file cache contains entries with invalid path values for the following storage numeric ids: 42 43 4
Repair warning: Please run occ files:scan --all --repair to repairall affected storages or run `occ files:scan userid --repair for each user with affected storages
and this error:
SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1118 The size of BLOB/TEXT data inserted in one transaction is greater than 10% of redo log size. Increase the redo log size using innodblog_file_size._
Update failed

I tried use ./occ files:scan to repair warning but attrib files:scan isn't avaliable.

And what I should do to skip this error and update my ownCloud?



an upgrade from your version to 10 is possible as far as I know. I would recommend a backup beforehand.

have you tried just the ./occ files:scan or the compete command?

sudo -u www-data php occ files:scan --all --repair

I can't use --repair command. Please look at the img. Why?

Best Regards,

Okay, turns out, you can't use the repair option because in 9.1.1 it's not there. It is implemented with 9.1.7.

But this is not relevant, the update fails because of the second error message. You have to increase the size of the log.

After that you have to try to update again and then use the command with the repair option.

Thanks for answer!
I don't know where I should change innodb_log_file_size variables in this hosting. I sent question to OVH support.



OVH answered that change innodb_log_file_size in my shared hosting is impossible. And I have to buy private database. Do you know another solution, or is it only one good way?


Judging from the error message that is the only way.