Hi, I wanted to know how to manually update owncloud for a Synology NAS.
I just copied, inside the web folder (on my NAS), the version owncloud-9.1.0 .
Everything works fine and I can connect via http://indirizzoNAS/owncloud.
Now I would like to upgrade to owncloud version 9.1.1.
I have copied, once again, the new version in the (Web folder). I copied the two folders of the previous version (data and config).
I had to change to the folder access rights (data). The access rights 0770.
But when I try to access http: // indirizzoNAS / owncloud, I get: http error 500 and remains blank page.
Can anyone give me some advice to find a solution.
See the following FAQ what you need to do when getting a 500 error:
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Thanks for the reply.
I tried a new procedure.
I copied the new version into the web folder (NAS).
I inserted my old version credentials. I run the new version of the update.
Next, I copied the two folders of the old version (data and config).
Now I can log on with no problems.
The system, however, tells me the error: "there were problems with the code integrity ... ceck more information"
So marking this as solved as your initial issue is indeed solved. For this new issue please read https://doc.owncloud.org/server/latest/admin_manual/issues/code_signing.html#fixing-invalid-code-integrity-messages