Market disappeared

I run owncloud 10.0.0 with market 0.3.0 on a shared linux provided by ovh France.
Since a few month I can see that I should update several apps, but, unfortunately, when I click on “market”, apps are not displayed. A blank page is displayed instead.

Apps installed : calendar 161, collaborative tags 030, comments 030, first run wizard 11, mail template 040, market 030, notifications 035, ownbackup 1770, pdf viewer 0100, text editor 230, video player 098

Can anybody help and say how to fix this ?
Thank you.


this looks to me like a heavily outdated version of ownCloud. I think it could make sense to upgrade to the most recent version 10.2.0 before searching for any issues in such an old version.

Thank you for your quick answer. I will update owncloud.
Is it normal that I don’t remember having seen any warning related to update ?


i’m not sure as i never check the update announcement within ownCloud. Instead i have subscribed to so that i don’t miss any news from the ownCloud team.

I upgraded to owncloud 10.2.1 and “market” still show a blank page
best regards


do you have a shell access to your server ?
If yes, could you check your web server logs (apache, nginx, …) ? There might be a hint.
Does your market upgraded to 0.5.0 ?
I doubt it could be some caching issue but could you try to load the page with an other web browser ?

I’m unfortunately on a shared server.
I suppressed cookies and cache from firefox on linux. Problem still exist.
Market has been updated to 0.5.0
I suppressed the log and got following error when I press “market button” :
“log suppressed”
best regards

Thanks for your answer.
Your log doesn’t really show any interesting errors here related to the market, only that the cron seems to run once every day, you should change it to every 15 mins but IMHO that’s not the reason your market doesn’t show up.
When you go to the market on your web browser, could you try to inspect the page with your web browser’s tools ? Is it empty ? Could you post a screenshot of it ?

P.S: you might want to anonymize your log, I can see your public IP there.

Thanks for warning me : I suppressed the log from my previous message.
Yes, I get a blank page when pressing “market”.Hereafter is a screenshot got after pressing “inspect” and then “market” on firefox.

I complete the information that doesn’t appear on the screenshot hereafter :
html, body, div, span, object, iframe, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre, a, abbr, acronym, address, code, del, dfn, em, img, q, dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li, fieldset, form, label, legend, table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td, article, aside, dialog, figure, footer, header, hgroup, nav, section {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
border: 0;
outline: 0;
font-weight: inherit;
font-size: 100%;
font-family: inherit;
vertical-align: baseline;
cursor: default;
html heritage :
html, body, div, span, object, iframe, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre, a, abbr, acronym, address, code, del, dfn, em, img, q, dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li, fieldset, form, label, legend, table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td, article, aside, dialog, figure, footer, header, hgroup, nav, section {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
border: 0;
outline: 0;
font-weight: inherit;
font-size: 100%;
font-family: inherit;
vertical-align: baseline;
cursor: default;
Here is the “console” got on firefox :



thanks for your answer.
In your first screenshot it seems some div are hidden, here it’s cBoxOverlay and colorbox. I don’t know what it is, do you have some plugins on your firefox that could inject code in your pages ? If yes could you try to open your Market page from an other web browser without any plugin ? Just to check if it could be a web browser plugin that mess up.
Maybe it’s a JQUery plugin but is it installed by ownCloud or did you create and install some apps by yourself ? Or other third party apps that you didn’t mention on your first post ?
On your second screenshot, the javascript seems broken; so I guess it’s one good reason why your Market doesn’t show up, it’s possible your upgrade failed somehow.
I’d suggest to install everything from scratch, if you don’t have several users it shouldn’t be such a hassle.

the syntax error in l10n.js makes me suspicious. You might try those steps:

  • is the integrity check passing? (Admin Settings -> General -> Security & setup warnings)
  • is the market app working, when you disable all not bundled apps? (such as gpxedit) - maybe an app is breaking the functionality


setting - general says “version owncloud 10.2.1 stable”

I downloaded owncloud 10.2.1 on the server and installed from scratch : market loaded a blank page.
Guessing I had a security check, I downloaded again owncloud and installed from scratch : market loaded a blank page.
By the way : could you tell me where to find integrity key and how to check for integrity on linux ?

In order to make my owncloud migrated from 10.0 to 10.1 and then to 10.2.1 to work, I de-activated gpxedit, gpxmotion, gpxpod and market apps from “setting - application”.
After a while, I went again on “setting - applications”, pressed “mount de-activated apps” and tried to activate “market 0.5.0” : I then got the message “error : this application can’t be actvated, it make the server unstable”

Thank’s everybody for your help,

This looks like something is messed up with your copy of the marketplace app. I’d suggest to disable and remove the installed app, download it from, put it into your apps directory (or apps-external, if this is present in your ownCloud installation directory) and enable it again.

The integrity check is found in Settings -> Admin -> General
When the integrity check did not pass, a yellow banner is shown, see
When there is no such banner and you do not see a warning, it looks like all checks passed

The integrity check can be called from the command line as well, see

owncloud-10.2.1.tar.bz2 integrity checked OK
market 0.5.0 downloaded and copied to apps
I still get a blank page when clicking “market”

This is my environment :
I run owncloud on an OVH’s shared system, php is 7.2, mysql v5.6
I don’t know about apache and prefork and mod_php

Thank you for helping

I am very sure, this is some exception causing this issue. Please paste the contents of owncloud.log when calling the market app in the browser.

Without logs we cannot even guess.

Hi Thank you for helping
I installed owncloud from scratch. ha256 security as been checked OK, everything : errors, bugs are to be writen in the log here after.
I could’nt get market work with oc 10.2.0 neither oc 10.1.1 both installed from scratch.

{“reqId”:“XTi47TEe4chP52nk@9HtnAAAAIY”,“level”:0,“time”:“2019-07-24T20:00:46+00:00”,“remoteAddr”:“”,“user”:“gilles”,“app”:“OC\User\Session::validateToken”,“method”:“GET”,“url”:"/nuage/owncloud-1021/cron.php",“message”:“token dfcbecfea5da2d6bea1f58c2e7f7a22863561d511524b7ae43c87888e44bcd04f966933c1da9c4742dc42ec667eb09b97318e6e098e8f305e436d7e13abe39fa with token id 1 found, validating”}
{“reqId”:“XTi47TEe4chP52nk@9HtnAAAAIY”,“level”:0,“time”:“2019-07-24T20:00:46+00:00”,“remoteAddr”:“”,“user”:"–",“app”:“cron”,“method”:“GET”,“url”:"/nuage/owncloud-1021/cron.php",“message”:“Running job with id 9 and class OCA\Files_Sharing\ExpireSharesJob. Last run 0 and interval 86400”}
{“reqId”:“XTi47TEe4chP52nk@9HtnAAAAIY”,“level”:0,“time”:“2019-07-24T20:00:46+00:00”,“remoteAddr”:“”,“user”:"–",“app”:“cron”,“method”:“GET”,“url”:"/nuage/owncloud-1021/cron.php",“message”:“Started background job of class : OCA\Files_Sharing\ExpireSharesJob with arguments : “}
{“reqId”:“XTi47TEe4chP52nk@9HtnQAAAKI”,“level”:0,“time”:“2019-07-24T20:00:46+00:00”,“remoteAddr”:“”,“user”:“gilles”,“app”:“OC\User\Session::validateToken”,“method”:“GET”,“url”:”/nuage/owncloud-1021/ocs/v2.php/apps/notifications/api/v1/notifications?format=json”,“message”:“token dfcbecfea5da2d6bea1f58c2e7f7a22863561d511524b7ae43c87888e44bcd04f966933c1da9c4742dc42ec667eb09b97318e6e098e8f305e436d7e13abe39fa with token id 1 found, validating”}
{“reqId”:“XTi47TEe4chP52nk@9HtnAAAAIY”,“level”:0,“time”:“2019-07-24T20:00:46+00:00”,“remoteAddr”:“”,“user”:"–",“app”:“cron”,“method”:“GET”,“url”:"/nuage/owncloud-1021/cron.php",“message”:“Finished background job, the job took : 0 seconds, this job is an instance of class : OCA\Files_Sharing\ExpireSharesJob with arguments : “}
{“reqId”:“XTi47TEe4chP52nk@9HtnQAAAKI”,“level”:0,“time”:“2019-07-24T20:00:46+00:00”,“remoteAddr”:“”,“user”:“gilles”,“app”:“OC\User\Session::validateToken”,“method”:“GET”,“url”:”/nuage/owncloud-1021/ocs/v2.php/apps/notifications/api/v1/notifications?format=json”,“message”:“token dfcbecfea5da2d6bea1f58c2e7f7a22863561d511524b7ae43c87888e44bcd04f966933c1da9c4742dc42ec667eb09b97318e6e098e8f305e436d7e13abe39fa with token id 1 found, validating”}

You’ll find my phpinfo here :
I can see that apache is 2.0 instead of 2.4 required ! Is this not the problem ?
I uploaded gallery 16.1.1 and filesmediaviewer 1.0.0 to apps folder and both of them reply “the app can’t be activated. it make the server unstable”
Might these informations help diagnosing “market” problem ?