Hi all,
before trying migration i try to put the server in maintenance mode with
sudo -u www-data ./occ maintenance:mode --on
It failed with the following error
An unhandled exception has been thrown:
Error: Call to undefined method OC_User::getManager() in /var/www/owncloud/apps/ files/appinfo/register_command.php:23
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/owncloud/lib/private/Console/Application.php(118): require()
#1 /var/www/owncloud/console.php(115): OC\Console\Application->loadCommands()
#2 /var/www/owncloud/occ(11): require_once(‘/var/www/ownclo…’)
How can i fix this ?
Running on Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS