Migrating old cloud storage to owncloud

Hi, I just have a couple questions:

  1. When moving from [insert a cloud storage service here] to ownclowd, what is the recommended method of doing so? I would hope it doesn’t include download and re-upload.

2a) Can I sym-link the owncloud data folder? e.g. it currently exists on the server at /cloud/web/onecloud/data/[user], but I have previously established set of user folders at /cloud/storage/[user] - can I ln -s /cloud/web/onecloud/data /cloud/storage?
2b) If so, how would I update the database to reflect the files\structure?

This question is not specific enough to give a meaningful answer. Cloud storage service can mean many different things. If you have a Linux server with root access and access to the files on a Posix filesystem then you should be able to repurpose that server and install ownCloud on there.

You can symlink it, or you can set the datadirectory in the config.php during installation. I prefer the latter, it seems cleaner.

Run an occ files:scan command

Thanks so much, that covers everything. Not sure how I missed #2a. What file permissions should be applied to the previous cloud storage directories\files?

Running the aforementioned changes netted no difference. How would you like to proceed to troubleshoot?

Can confirm uploaded files going to old directory.

Is systemctl restart apache2 not enough?

Download a configreport and double check the datadirectory is correctly set.

Because you said that you are

Migrating old cloud storage to owncloud

I assumed that you are freshly installing owncloud. If you have an existing installation were you want to change the datadirectory, you need to follow the following documentation article:

I saw in your screenshot that you have it right already. It should be the apache user, on Debian based systems it is called www-data

I assumed that you are freshly installing owncloud. If you have an existing installation were you want to change the datadirectory, you need to follow the following documentation article:
Manually Move a Data Directory :: ownCloud Documentation

This is exactly what I was looking for and addresses all three questions from the original post.

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