[Migration from 9.1.3 & Php 5.6 to higher ?]


I am starting a project of migration of :

OwnCloud Version : 9.1.3
OS : Debian 8
Mysql : mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.54, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) using readline 6.3
Php : PHP 5.6.29

To a Debian 12 (with php 7.4, but i can setup a php 7.0 if it’s mendatory.

  • I can’t find 9.1.3.tar

  • i tried installation version 10.13.X ( Working => Then i tried migration my files + database => Owncloud told me to upgrade and everthing was in fail. i had to disable about 15 features.)

  • i tried installation version 10.14.0 ( Working => Then i tried migration my files + database => Owncloud told me to upgrade and everthing was in fail. i had to disable about 15 features.)

  • Today i try a new solution, i rsync my /var/www/data/owncloud on my old server (instead of fresh instal + import of data conf app…) but even with a php 7.0 i have a blank on my page.

I dont know what to do. Do you have any recommandations about my issue ? Should i upgrade step by step ? Which version should i start with ?

Thank you !



if i’m understanding the following documentation provided by the ownCloud people:

you should be able to go straight from ownCloud 9.1.3 to the most recent version 10.14.0 without any steps in between.

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