If you’re already on 2.9.0, you’ll see a file like .sync_286ccd77d0ee.db and another .sync_journal.db in each sync directory. You need to manually remove the ugly one .sync_XXXXXXXX.db, then the error goes away.
Auto-updater got stopped, fix will be in a quick 2.9.1. But if it already happened, you need to fix manually.
Good day. I am afflicted with the 2.9 “bug” of “multiple accounts are sharing the folder”.
In each of the five directories that I sync to my hosted owncloud instance, I have deleted *.db and *.log.
The only files which remain are .sync_SOMETHING.db-shm and .sync_SOMETHING.db-wal.
*** FYI, I do NOT see a file (hidden or not) called “.sync_journal.db” ***
I did have Owncloud closed when I deleted the files.
When I restart OwnClient client 2.9 on Win11-preview, a .db and a .log file are created and reappear… but the red warning remains in the OC client.
What might I be doing incorrectly?
Can I revert to 2.8? Would that help? How would I do that?
Thank you in advance for your assistance!
I second this. As far as I understand, the problem itself is not solved, yet? The github ticket is at least still open.
After deleting the said files I remain with the files described by jvalenti. My owncloud says "no own cloud connection configured, although it is configured.
@jvalenti those files should only exist if the app is running. They shouldn’t exist when the app is closed. Maybe some kind of leftover… Please make sure you quit the app, then delete the *.db-shm and *.db-wal. Does this help?
Good day @michaelstingl . Thank you for your note.
Yes, removing those files did fix the problem… but it also triggered a re-synch with each and every file in a 2tb collection of folders. Lots of bandwidth consumed uselessly, but I am VERY happy that the issue is resolved.
Thank you again.
Guys, if I were you I would simply remove an .sync_XXXXXXXX.db with the earliest ‘last modified’ date to make the Desktop client sync everything correctly again (even while still displaying that nasty error message), and wait for version 2.9.1 to arrive. The devs are aware of this bug, and it will be addressed in the next release, so there is no point in re-uploading Tbs of your data again, reverting to older versions, or risking your installation altogether. Just make things work, ignore the error, and wait for the next release.
I did hope that a little “laissez-faire” would do the trick… but no.
The red warning message is intimidating, but the problem was that new files were not being synched, and that many many errors were being thrown. It is a real pain to resync, I am not happy, but at least I see some progress.
The app was definitely closed when I deleted them. I even double-checked with Task Manager.
I did quit the app, deleted those files, and that triggered a full re-sync.
Now, 36 hours later, the files are re-syched, but that was 2tb worth of bandwidth “for nothing”.
Another problem: the right-mouse operation on a file-name, to create a public-share link, is now not working. I have to manually upload the file, and manually create the share. It is troublesome!
The mouse-context (right-mouse-click) problem disappeared after a reboot.
All seems fine now, following full-resync.
Thank you for your assistance, Michael!