NEW ownCloud Mobile app not accepting my login


I went to login to ownCloud on my iPhone 8 with iOS 13.1 today. It prompted me to download a NEW ownCloud app. So I did.

I put in my ownCloud site URL and user & pass. It will not take the login. It just shacks like it is a bad login.

I have confirmed the username and passwords is the same one I use for my web interface.

Not sure what to try next if the OLD app is being phased out.

  • Mike

Hello mbrando,

did you enter your server address correct? Sometimes the /owncloud is missing at the end. And it is important that you have a newer version of the ownCloud server in production. Which version are you using?

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Yes, server address is correct. It was able to confirm we had a valid SSL and we run ownCloud at the top level of the domain not in a subfolder.

Running ownCloud 10.1.04

App version looks like 1.1.0 build 142

  • Mike

Hi - just to confirm. Same problem on my side. Just upgraded to V1.1.0 Build 142 and app is not accepting my login credentials. Contact with server and certificate is ok. Login thorugh web interface is ok.

… server version 10.0.10; iOS 12.4.1

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if something stops to work after an update and if it is already confirmed by two users then i personally would report a bug report for the ownCloud iOS app developers rather then posting it to a user support forums.

From what i know you could open an issue at so the issue gets noticed by the iOS app developers.

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posted bug here:

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Looks like if you have TOTP Second-factor Auth enabled it has trouble logging in.

I just explained in the issue:

To use 2FA in the desktop and mobile apps, you need to enable OAuth 2.0 app on the ownCloud server. You can find more information in @lefherz 's blogpost:

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I had forgotten about the “App passwords / tokens” section for the mobile app and desktop on the security page.

  • Mike


Of course using the token to access the mobile app worked as it is supposed to.

This was a 2FA user error.

  • Mike


nice background information. I’m currently wondering why the old ownCloud mobile app hasn’t required the OAuth 2.0 app enabled on the server and only the new ownCloud mobile app has now shown this issue?


I think the confusion here is the idea that OAuth 2.0 app was enabled on my server. The mix up was I had forgot that I had to use the “App passwords / tokens” section to create a new token for the new mobile app on my phone.

  • Mike
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Ah, this explains a lot. Thanks for giving this insight.