Newbie: Integrity error after installing custom theme

Hi there,
I am using the latest OC and wanted to change the images in the header and on the log-in screen. I followed the instructions on this website:

I did everything as said – including deleting the .json file. Yet when I activate my custom theme I receive the integrity warning. What can I do about that? Can someone help me figure out what’s wrong?
Since I’m using OC in a hosted environment I do not have server access.

Cheers, Reiner

Hi there,

can you confirm that you deleted the signature.json file and trigger a rescan of the files?
You get to that if you follow the warning.

I didn’t know how to do a rescan. After a re-scan everything is fine now.
Thanks. I think the re-scan did it for me.

Yeah, it’s already part of the documentation you followed, it should be anyway

Thanks for ready the manual though :slight_smile: